Professional organizations can be a great way to connect with other professionals in your field as well as find postings for positions in your field. Read more about connecting with professionals on our networking page.
Professional organizations, whether you join, participate in functions that they sponsor, or explore their websites, can be valuable resources at points throughout your career development. Consider them for career exploration, networking, finding job postings, and for continued professional development.
In many ways, a professional society is an instant network: You’ll be with others who have the same general career interest. Additionally, you may be able to learn more about your field and potential employers from other members. Consider volunteering at or attending an organization’s events. They often offer special discounted rates for volunteers and students. Conferences are a great way to make connections and to learn about important trends and issues that impact your career field.
Professional organizations by field can also be accessed through What Can I Do With This Major.
Find professional organizations and employment resources applicable to different School of Education disciplines under each section. Links are researched by the Career Center, but the Career Center is not responsible for their content or postings.
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Curriculum and Instruction
Professional Organizations
- American Association of School Administrators (AASA) features postings and job seeker resources for educational leaders.
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages highlights job postings for language teachers as well as professional development and publication resources.
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) encourages scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.
- The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) provides a listing of institutional research and related positions across the United States.
- The National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) is the only national membership organization dedicated solely to meeting the needs of special education teachers and those preparing for the field of special education teaching.
- The National Art Education Association supports visual arts educators through a variety of services.
- National Association of State Boards of Education strengthens state boards as the preeminent educational policymaking body for students and citizens. An internship program is available through their association.
- National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) is a professional organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. Their website features field-specific employment opportunities.
- The National Education Association (NEA), works to promote and support public education at every level throughout the United States.
- WECAN is an online posting and hiring system used by more than 500 Wisconsin K-12 schools and districts.
- The University of Northern Iowa Overseas Placement Service for Educators, offers information about teaching abroad as well as an annual recruiting fair for teachers to connect with schools around the world.
- Reach Dane (formerly Dane County Parent Council) provides support for families and child development programs such as Head Start and 4K. Job postings are available for a variety of positions.
- is Wisconsin’s largest employer of school specialty positions.
Higher Education
- Higher Ed 360 is a meta-collection of resources gathered for the academic job hunter.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education is a site for administrative and faculty positions.
- showcases a variety of staff and faculty positions in the higher education system.
- The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium offers resources about dual-career searches as well as job postings.
- Education Commission of the States is an interstate compact created in 1965 to improve public education by facilitating the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences among state policymakers and education leaders.
- Educational Testing Service is the world’s largest educational testing and measurement organization and a leader in educational research.
- Mathematica Policy Research is a company committed to improving public well-being by assessing the effectiveness of policies and programs.
Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
Professional Organizations
- AASA, The School Superintendents Association is a professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world.
- American College Personnel Association (ACPA), the leading comprehensive student affairs association, offers job postings for positions in higher education.
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), founded in 1916, is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.
- The Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) is dedicated to those engaged in the study of higher education. ASHE has a job posting page and professional development opportunities.
- The National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) is devoted to supporting the educational development of students through academic advising. NACADA offers a listing of positions divided by geographical area.
- National Association for College Admission Counseling offers professional development resources and a job board.
- The mission of the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) is to lead in the advocacy and support for elementary and middle level principals and other education leaders in their commitment for all children.
- NAFSA: Association of International Educators, an organization dedicated to international education and exchange, offers a job posting site for international education positions.
- NASPA, an organization committed to student affairs, has career resources and a national job placement exchange that takes place at their annual conference.
- National Association of Secondary School Principals seeks to engage middle level and high school principals, assistant principals, and school leaders through advocacy, resources, and professional development opportunities.
- National Career Development Association has professional articles, career development resources, and job postings available to members.
- The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) is a consortium of higher education institutions committed to advancing the preparation and practice of educational leaders for the benefit of schools and children.
- Higher Ed 360 is a meta-collection of internet resources that have been gathered for the academic job hunter.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education hosts a job posting site for administrative and faculty positions.
- showcases a variety of staff and faculty position openings in the higher education system.
- The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium offers resources about dual-career searches as well as job postings.
- The Market by NCAA features postings in college-level athletics positions.
- The Oshkosh Placement Exchange typically takes place in February and features primarily opportunities in residence life, as well as some positions in Greek life and other student services areas.
Educational Policy Studies
Professional Organizations
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) encourages scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.
- The Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) is dedicated to those engaged in the study of higher education. ASHE has a job posting page and professional development opportunities.
- Education Commission of the States is an interstate compact created in 1965 to improve public education by facilitating the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences among state policymakers and education leaders.
- The Legislative Education Staff Network (LESN) is a partnership between the Education Commission of the States and the National Conference of State Legislatures. It provides opportunities for individuals who work on legislative issues and education policy including internship listings and job postings.
- The National Association of State Boards of Education exists to strengthen state boards as the preeminent educational policymaking bodies for students and citizens. An internship program is available through their association.
- Higher Ed 360 is a meta-collection of internet resources that have been gathered for the academic job hunter.
- The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) provides a web-based listing of institutional research and related positions across the United States free of charge.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education’s job posting site features employment opportunities in higher education.
- Educational Testing Service is the world’s largest educational testing and measurement organization and a leader in educational research.
- showcases a variety of staff and faculty position openings in the higher education system.
- The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium offers resources about dual-career searches as well as job postings.
- Mathematica Policy Research is a company committed to improving public well-being by assessing the effectiveness of policies and programs.
- USAJOBS is the official job site of the United States Federal Government. It’s your one-stop source for federal jobs and employment information.
Educational Psychology
Professional Organizations
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), founded in 1916, is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.
- American Psychological Association (APA), the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, offers a job posting site, PsycCareers.
- National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) represents school psychology and has a career center with job postings for school psychologists throughout the country.
- National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) is a professional organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. Their website features field specific employment opportunities.
- WECAN is the Wisconsin Education Career Access Network, a site for school districts to connect with and hire UW students.
- Higher Ed 360 is a meta-collection of internet resources that have been gathered for the academic job hunter.
- is Wisconsin’s largest employer of school specialty positions.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education’s job posting site features employment opportunities in higher education.
- showcases a variety of staff and faculty position openings in the higher education system.
- The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium offers resources about dual-career searches as well as job postings.
- USAJOBS is the official job site of the United States Federal Government and is your one-stop source for federal jobs and employment information.
- Wisconsin Association of Family and Children’s Agencies (WAFCA) includes links to member human services programs throughout Wisconsin.