Resources for Education Careers

Professional organizations can be a great way to connect with other professionals in your field as well as find postings for positions in your field. Read more about connecting with professionals on our networking page.

Professional organizations, whether you join, participate in functions that they sponsor, or explore their websites, can be valuable resources at points throughout your career development. Consider them for career exploration, networking, finding job postings, and for continued professional development.

In many ways, a professional society is an instant network: You’ll be with others who have the same general career interest. Additionally, you may be able to learn more about your field and potential employers from other members. Consider volunteering at or attending an organization’s events. They often offer special discounted rates for volunteers and students. Conferences are a great way to make connections and to learn about important trends and issues that impact your career field.

Professional organizations by field can also be accessed through What Can I Do With This Major.

Find professional organizations and employment resources applicable to different School of Education disciplines under each section. Links are researched by the Career Center, but the Career Center is not responsible for their content or postings.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Curriculum and Instruction

Professional Organizations



  • WECAN is an online posting and hiring system used by more than 500 Wisconsin K-12 schools and districts.
  • The University of Northern Iowa Overseas Placement Service for Educators, offers information about teaching abroad as well as an annual recruiting fair for teachers to connect with schools around the world.
  • Reach Dane (formerly Dane County Parent Council) provides support for families and child development programs such as Head Start and 4K. Job postings are available for a variety of positions.
  • is Wisconsin’s largest employer of school specialty positions.

Higher Education


  • Education Commission of the States is an interstate compact created in 1965 to improve public education by facilitating the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences among state policymakers and education leaders.
  • Educational Testing Service is the world’s largest educational testing and measurement organization and a leader in educational research.
  • Mathematica Policy Research is a company committed to improving public well-being by assessing the effectiveness of policies and programs.

Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Professional Organizations


Educational Policy Studies

Professional Organizations


Educational Psychology

Professional Organizations
